Support Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Prioritisation

How do we set priorities for support tickets and how quickly do we respond to them?

The service level agreement (SLA) defines our standards of performance for support tickets under our standard support offering. The priority of a support ticket is the key factor in the applicable SLA. Here are the priorities for tickets, a description guide and the SLAs:

Priority First response time Operational hours General description
❗Critical 1 hour 9am-5pm UK time
Business days only
Special case of severe issue e.g. 7b platform down, database connection problem, multiple customers unable to dispatch any shipments.
High 2 hours 9am-5pm UK time
Business days only
Issue causing customer or 7bridges users to not be able to use the platform properly. e.g. platform section is broken, 1 or a few shipments cannot be processed.
Medium 4 hours 9am-5pm UK time
Business days only
An issue that needs attention but not urgently, i.e. it is affecting usage of the platform but without critical impact.
(All tickets start with this priority)
Low 4 hours 9am-5pm UK time
Business days only
Non-blockers to every-day work


Specifically, these SLAs are for support issues only (i.e. this does not include requests that require a new Product feature. This means a ticket logged in our support system in one of these ways:


NOTE: Any other contact to a member of the 7bridges team will NOT be covered by these SLAs.