When booking shipments the 7bridges software generates a pack list that is available for printing by the Automate user; how do they work?
For Automate customers, the software can be configured to generate pack lists according to a customer's design. The software has a powerful templating engine that allows a pack list to be created in HTML with various dynamic fields to be populated with the details of the shipment package.
The template file can be completely to your specification and include images, text and links.
Pack list templates can also be multilingual; where 1 template has multiple language versions. All the text in the pack list can be configured for different languages. The country of the shipment recipient dictates the language to use in the pack list.
Please note, the language of the shipment booking details (e.g. product description, recipient address) will not be translated.
Control with fulfilment rules
These pack list templates can be controlled via fulfilment rules, allowing you to choose which bookings should have which pack list templates using all the rule matching available in fulfilment rules.