What Audit checks does the software make?

What checks does the Audit product make for each logistics provider invoice?

The 7bridges software performs the following Audit checks:

Short name

Type of spend alert

Applies to



Non-credit outcomes

Service failure: undelivered

Alerting where a shipment never reaches the destination and the contract does not give the provider an exception

Parcel, specialty

Contract breach



Service failure: late

Alerting where a guaranteed service time has been breached and the contract does not give the provider an exception

Parcel, specialty

Contract breach



Incorrect rate

Alerting that a charge on an invoice has a greater value than the charge on the quote for that shipment

Parcel, specialty, freight

Contract breach

Definite, assuming rate card is up to date

Incomplete or out of date rate card data updated, improves baseline

Charge not on rate card

Alerting that the charge on an invoice does not appear on the quote for that shipment

Parcel, specialty, freight

Contract breach

Definite, assuming rate card is up to date

Incomplete or out of date rate card data updated, improves baseline

Duplicate charge

Alerting that charges appear more than once for the same shipment on the same invoice or over multiple invoices

Parcel, specialty, freight

Contract breach



Late invoices

Alerting where an invoice has been provided later than it’s maximum presentation date

Parcel, specialty, freight

Contract breach



Unreasonable charges

Alerting for charges that have been flagged by 7bridges' analysts as unreasonable

Parcel, specialty, freight

Contract leakage


Data point for negotiating a better contract with a provider. Analysts flag charges where other providers would not charge for a service.

Evidence required

Alerting for charges that have been flagged by 7bridges analysts as requiring evidence

Parcel, specialty, freight

Contract leakage



Lane not on rate card

Alerting where this particular shipment origin-destination pair does not appear on the rate card

Parcel, specialty, freight

Contract leakage


Data for use in negotiating extra lanes with a provider. Opportunity for a Procurement simulation.