Choosing addresses when booking shipments

There are a number of features in the 7bridges platform to make it easier to choose the right address when booking a shipment

When you get to the Addresses step in the shipment booking flow you will need to specify an Origin and Destination address for that shipment.

Simply start typing in the Search address book field to use a saved location address:

You will see that saved Locations are highlighted accordingly:

  • Fulfilment location is a fulfilment location from the Locations section
  • Address book is an address book entry from the Locations section


Or enter the address manually:


Once you have selected or added the desired address, proceed with booking the shipment 



To use an address that is stored in the platform simply search for the Fulfilment location name or Main contact or the Address book name 


Many fulfilment rules and constraints for booking shipments require origin/destination exact address matching. If this is the case, it's always best to use saved Fulfilment locations or Address book entries when booking shipments.



If you are using our legacy address feature (The Address book option in Locations will be disabled) you will not see any Address Book addresses in the search results but will see addresses that have been used recently.