How to request a spot quote (Specialty only)

To request a spot quote as part of the specialty booking process follow these steps:

As part of the Specialty booking process where your rate cards does not cover a given lane you have the ability to request a spot direct directly to your providers from the platform.

  1. Ensure all previous steps in the Specialty booking process including the product and packaging required has been completed.
  2. When at the rate selection stage any specialty providers do not have the required lane on the configured rate card will return in the Accounts that could not provide any rates section
  3. You can submit a quote request for any of your providers who did not provide a rate directly from the platform by selecting the request quote button. This transmits all the booking information provided to the specified provider for them to review. You can submit requests to multiple providers for the same booking if you require.
  4. Whilst you are waiting for Providers to upload a quote for the shipment onto the platform the shipment will show that you are waiting for a quote. 
  5. It will also show in the Shipments dashboard in the Attention tab highlighting that it's currently awaiting quotes.
  6. Once the provider has reviewed the quote request they will then provide their quote directly to the 7bridges platform. Note they can also decline to quote which will also be reflected on the platform. The requesting user will receive an email notification advising that a quote has been provided from the relevant provider.
  7. It will also show in the shipments dashboard in the Attention tab highlighting the quote/s have been received
  8. You can then view the uploaded quote directly inside the shipment allowing you to compare against other providers. Providers will set a validity period on the quote and the platform will prevent you from booking this if it has gone beyond that period.
  9. You can view the detailed charge breakdown for the quote by expanding the row on screen.
  10. Congratulations! You've successfully requested and received a spot quote for a specialty shipment through 7bridges.
  11. Now you can proceed with the provided quote and complete the remainder of the booking process.