How to cancel a shipment booking

Here is how you can rollback a shipment booking or cancel it before it goes to the courier

NOTE: This is only applicable before the shipment has been collected by the courier

If you have booked a shipment but need to cancel that booking for various reasons, you can 'soft delete' the booking using the following steps:

  1. Find the booking in one of the views in the Shipments section - normally it will appear in the For Dispatch table. 
    1. You can also filter these views by the origin for the shipment using the Filter by site drop-down on the right hand side
  2. Click the large X at the end of the row for the shipment you want to remove\
  3. Click the Delete button on the confirmation popup to confirm deletion
  4. You should also make sure you cross this booking out when you print the collection manifest (if it appears on there)

Please be aware of the following:

  • Only certain users have the ability to soft delete bookings - if you don't see the X documented above, then please speak to someone with higher permissions on the platform to do this for you.
  • If the booking was from an order sent to the 7bridges platform via the API then you may need to create a new booking manually to rebook the shipment