More about the GL coding bolt on
How to assign GL codes
The 7bridges software offers users flexibility in how they handle GL coding:
- Manual self-coding: Customers have the option to manually assign codes to each charge. This method allows for complete control and customisation, ensuring that the unique nuances of each transaction are considered.
- Automated coding: Leveraging advanced automation algorithms, the 7bridges software can automatically assign the appropriate GL codes to charges. This method significantly reduces the time and effort required for manual coding and minimises the risk of human error. The algorithms use predefined rules and patterns to ensure accuracy and consistency in the coding process.
- Hybrid approach: Customers can opt for a combination of both manual and automated coding. In this hybrid approach, the software can automate the bulk of routine coding, while users can manually review and adjust codes as necessary for specific transactions. This approach offers a balance between efficiency and precision, allowing customers to benefit from automation while retaining the ability to apply their expertise and judgement where needed.