Book shipments to a pick-up locations

Logistics service providers (LSPs) allow shipping a package to a 'delivery point'; Automate from 7bridges supports booking shipments to these delivery points too.


Automate now supports booking a shipment to be delivered to a provider specific Delivery Point or Pick-up Location. This is supported with UPS and DHL Parcel PL.

Shipment booking that are marked as being to a Delivery Point will be locked to that provider. This is because the support of a particular Delivery Point needs to be verified with the provider and cannot be used cross provider.

Setting a shipment booking to be delivered to a Delivery Point

To set a shipment booking to have a Delivery Point as it's destination this is done via the 7bridges API. The customer simply adds some extra information when calling the Create MovementDemand API:

  • The API call should specify the delivery_point_provider and destination_point_identifier on the destination address to populate the details about the Delivery Point for that shipment.


  • If either field (delivery_point_provider and destination_point_identifier) is populated then the other field must also be populated
  • The delivery_point_provider field must match a configured provider

Note that the address of the Delivery Point (city, postal code, and so on) is still required to enable rates and customer calculations and so on to be performed.



Using the booking flow in the software user interface

It is not currently possible to manually specify in the software UI that a shipment is to be delivered to a Delivery Point. This has to be done in the API call first.

For shipment bookings that have specified delivery_point_provider and destination_point_identifier fields then extra fields are displayed in the booking flow:

Screenshot of the delivery point data in the booking flow

Screenshot of the delivery point data in the booking flow